Brazil Santos Fancy Tristar

This strictly soft coffee has a fine cup, with its good acidity and its light body. EFICO realized this special blend - coming from the Cerrado and Mogiana region - in partnership with the Cooxupé cooperative. The Cerrado is Brazil's second largest ecosystem after the Amazon rainforest and is also threatened with imminent destruction. Like the Amazon, it is a biodiversity 'hotspot' that hosts an astonishing diversity of species, many found nowhere else on Earth. Reach out to our team to provide you with more info here.

Brazil Santos Fancy Astrid

This fine strictly soft coffee has good aromas, a medium to low acidity, notes of cereals and hazelnut, with a smooth, fruity aftertaste. Our Santos Fancy Astrid is the result of EFICO's long-term partnership with the Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé - Cooxupé. This unwashed or 'Natural coffee' is a selection of the best coffees of the region. Reach out to our team to provide you with more info here.

Brazil Santos Cerrado

This strictly soft coffee has a fine cup with a light acidity, medium body, well balanced with chocolate notes and a nutty aftertaste. The Cerrado is Brazil's second largest ecosystem after the Amazon rainforest and is also threatened with imminent destruction. Like the Amazon, it is a biodiversity 'hotspot' that hosts an astonishing diversity of species, many found nowhere else on Earth. Only 1.5 percent of the Cerrado is protected, which means that its survival depends on private conservation efforts like in the case of sustainable programs. Reach out to our team to provide you with more info here.

Brazil Cerrado Rainforest Alliance

Balanced coffee with hints of caramel, chocolate, nuts and floral notes.  We source this coffee in the Cerrado area where our third-generation-in-coffee supplier applies a strong entrepreneurial vision in their farms, such as high quality, food security, diversification, integration, professionalism and strategic partnerships - and still and most importantly, remains a family company. Reach out to our team to provide you with more info here.

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