Let’s Talk Bourbon
Enjoying our Indian Summer with a delicious cup of coffee made us decide we should write a topic honoring the most known and appreciated variety of them all: the Bourbon.
The World Coffee Research describes the Bourbon variety as a tall, medium-yielding plant with green leaf tip and as one of the most culturally and genetically important C. arabica varieties in the world. Known for excellent quality in the cup at the highest altitudes.
On the production side, Bourbon is a challenging variety. As it is more susceptible to disease, it has to be produced with a special care and even more with the consequences of the climate change. Shade growing environment is preferred as it enables the cherries to mature properly. The process after harvest is also crucial. Little to no rain is the best to develop the sweetness of the bourbon cherries.
Diversity of colors can be found in different countries. El Salvador mostly produces Red, Yellow and Orange Bourbon. Pink Bourbon is giving great results in Colombia. See bellow for some additional info.
On the roasting side, same special care is required. Bourbon is dense and with high level of glucose so controlling the charge temperature at the beginning of the roast is important to have good sweetness and a silky body. In preparation, Chemex will help for the cleanness of the cup when the french press will emphasis the silky and creamy body.
Check out here some of our selections of Bourbons…
No Heirloom but Bourbon in Ethiopia
Most of the coffees in Ethiopia are known as heirloom. However during our visit to Ethiopia in January we talked with some washing station managers where we have a great relation with and have tons of experience. They are able to recognize the different varieties that were coming in from different areas. This resulted in lots that were exclusively for us separated with only bourbons.
Quite an extraordinary feat unique in Ethiopia!
Pink Bourbon in Columbia
This is a quite new and very popular variety! Why?
It’s a hybrid of Red and Yellow Bourbon. It’s very rare and has an amazing cup quality. Some even say it’s the new Geisha. Besides the amazing flavors, the variety is also very unique in cultivating. It needs to be pollinated separately & doesn’t match with other varieties on the same land. It’s also a very sensitive plant and takes experienced pickers who know their coffees because a ripe pink bourbon looks like an almost ripe red bourbon.
Orange Bourbon is a hybridization of Red and Yellow Bourbon first found and developed in El Salvador. The cherries of this plant often have a peachy-pink color. It is a rare variety but quite resistant to rust.
Yellow Bourbon in Brazil
Sweet, delicate-bodied, and complex, Yellow Bourbon has a lot to offer. As a mutation of Red Bourbon it found it’s origin in Brazil. A Yellow Bourbon tree can reach 2.8 meters in height, and has early ripeness. Of the 30 varieties studied in 1945, seven are planted commercially today in Brazil.