What was your biggest challenge for buying coffee in 2021?
2021 was a complicated year. We had to learn how to work remotely during the lockdowns, we reorganized our office and moved to a new location.
We upgraded our IT software to be sure all members of our 8-person team would be able to have access to our business transactions at any time, even working from home. We stopped travelling and visiting our suppliers during one year, and started interacting with them on virtual platforms. We became closer to them since the personal visits were not possible anymore… so we compensated this with virtual tools.
What looked as a gloomy year turned out to be a new and successful way to relate with our partners.
We are indeed surprised how well most of our partners adapted to the pandemic and were able to keep close contact with us. After a few scary months when demand from roasters collapsed, we were happy to see that business was back as usual and that our suppliers had adapted to the new reality in the same way as we did. |