CUPRIMA will plant trees with an impact in Belgium.
The future is now, and we’re happy to plan(t) it with you!

Forests slow down climate change and are the main reservoir for terrestrial biodiversity. Unfortunately, deforestation is one of the biggest threats to our planet. Conserving healthy forests and restoring damaged ones are among the most powerful and cost-effective climate change mitigation tools we have.
Also in Belgium, thousands of hectares of forest are gradually disappearing. That’s why we have decided to give the forest ecosystem a helping hand in our own country and to team up with Go Forest to plant 2023 trees with an impact in Lasne.
The future is now, and we’re happy to plan(t) it together with you.
Let 2023 be a year of positive impact!
✔️ Planning & Prepping Phase – in Full Swing:
Everything is already in full prepping modus. Before the plot can be replanted with trees, the soil needs to be properly prepared; good soil is crucial for seedlings to grow fast and strong.
The carefully selected tree seeds are currently in the nursery where they are looked after with the proper amount of tender, love & care, so they can grow into strong seedlings. As soon as the weather conditions are ideal (target is February 1st onwards ), the cuttings will be planted. They will be monitored and maintained until they are self-sustaining trees.
✔️ Planting of 2023 trees – in Positive Progress:
CUPRIMA will plant a total of 2023 trees in 2023, and gift these trees to our team & clients.
The entire growth and impact the trees are making, can be followed via a map-based platform.
CUPRIMA will invest a percentage of their operating profit in this project 2023 trees. Every customer who works with CUPRIMA therefore invests indirectly in local nature projects with impact. This results in a nice win-win.
✔️ Updates from the field – Scheduled:
CUPRIMA will keep you updated throughout the whole process, from prepping over planting the 2023 trees, till proper growing up.
- If you want to check out the plot and take a sneak peek, please check out the satellite platform of the location of the plot in Lasne.
- The project starts in the planting season of 2022 – 2023; in a few weeks time (as per February 1st, 2023 onwards), we will start planting 2023 trees. The plot is along the road and is 2.5 hectares in total. It was formerly populated with neglected poplars and ash trees. The total plot is a plantation based on assisted natural regeneration with 5,000 trees.
The tree species are Corsican pines, lime trees, Norway Maples, and shrubs and fruit trees. A shrubby leafy edge on the periphery of 600 to 700 plants: field maple, dogwood, hawthorn, rowan, hazel + one line of fruit trees for wildlife.
The trees are planted with a density of 2,000 trees/ha and the planting is done in mixed islands, by a portion of parallel lines.
The plot is situated at an altitude of 110 m, slightly north-facing slope.
- Our Belgian 2023 tree project focuses on the following United Nations SDG’s; nr 13 (climate action), 15 (life on land) & 17 (partnerships for the goals).
On January 19, 2023 it was finally time to plant the 2023 EFICO trees with an impact.
At ideal planting temperatures (between 0 & 3 degrees), 5 enthusiasts worked from sunrise to sunset to reforest the Lasne plot with a total of 5000 trees.
These images were taken around 2:00 PM in the afternoon, just when all of our 2023 EFICO trees were in the ground. By then, more than half of the plot had been planted.
The planters were wrapped up tight and wore their best and toughest wellies for the occasion. Armed with only a pickaxe and a sack (in which they carried the shoots across the field) they got the job done.
In the following months, the planted trees will receive a lot of LTC (Love, Tender & Care) in the form of maintenance (chores such as weeding) and monitoring (tree whispering).
Our trees are in good hands, now we will have to exercise a little time and patience, but in a few months we will certainly check on them again.