EFICO’s Supplier Code Principles
EFICO, as a business with strong family values and a passion for coffee strives for excellence, providing qualitative and sustainable products and services to its partners. We deliver coffee safe for consumption, compliant & traceable. This requires everyone to be committed, acting according to their responsibilities.
We are aware of our business impact and commit to act in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible manner in line with the 10 United Nations Global Compact Principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
EFICO’s policy consists in acting transparently in its business activities, meeting the expectations of our business partners and to continuously improve the quality and safety of our products, services, social commitment and sustainability strategy. As such EFICO adopts the ETI Base code1 and incorporates the principles of the OECD – FAO guidance for responsible agricultural supply chains throughout its day to day operations. Coffee is much more than a commodity. We differentiate ourselves through innovation, taking on challenges, sharing knowledge with our partners, and invest in a sustainable coffee supply chain.
We act in accordance with this Code and expect the same from our suppliers and subcontractors. Suppliers are responsible to ensure that its sub-suppliers are aware of and do not violate this Code. This Code sets minimum standards. We continuously improve our standards and collaborate with our suppliers to achieve compliance. However, we will not conduct business in case of violation of this Code or where compliance is deemed impossible.
Business Integrity, Respect and Corporate Governance
Trust and transparency are key principles for EFICO. We expect from our suppliers to act in all integrity, respecting commitments. When a commitment cannot be met, it is of the utmost importance to discuss this with EFICO in an open and honest way, proposing constructive solutions.
Suppliers shall comply with all national laws & regulations, the European Standard Contract for Coffee (ESCC*) and other applicable standards, and in case of differences between the different regulations, adhere to the more stringent requirements.
Suppliers shall have a functional governance structure in place, striving for continuous improvement, and confirm not being engaged in bribery, corruption, money laundry or other fraudulent practices.
Guarantee and Improve the Safety and Quality of Products and Services
Suppliers guarantee to deliver a safe and qualitative product, according to the terms as set forth in the contract. At all times, records of traceability of products and pricing should be available up to the first processing stations, and upon request EFICO will have access to such information. Data can be collected
and requested up to farm level upon prior agreement.
Suppliers commit to perform a proper risk-assessment of the supply chain, considering:
- Food Safety: ensure that coffee is safe for consumption (not exceeding limits of residues etc.)
- Food Fraud: ensure that products comply with origin, region and quality specifications
- Food Defense: ensure that a system is in place to avoid inappropriate access or manipulation of the raw material
Positively impact Farmers’ Livelihoods and Prosperity
Working hand in hand with our stakeholders is essential to build reliable and long-standing partnerships.
The supplier commits to respect farmers, workers and coffee communities. Correct and transparent pricing principles need to be implemented along the supply chain with the aim to positively impact farmers’ and workers’ livelihoods.
Respect Human Rights, No Forced Labour, Exploitation or Child Labour
The supplier must comply with the ILO convention on human rights, minimum wages, minimum age of employment, no participation in forced, involuntary or slave labour, contracted and bounded child labour, human trafficking and elimination of discrimination. Under no circumstances shall we permit the use of violence, harassment or abuse.
Suppliers commit to inform EFICO in case child labour exists in their supply chains. EFICO recognizes that in several countries child labour under the form of family labour is present, though urges and supports a strategy for effective abolition of child labour, where local context and parameters such as access to education & leisure time, type of work and its effect on physical, moral or psychology of children, working hours and contribution of child labour in family income are taken into account.
Gender equality and equal access and empowerment of women and youth will be encouraged.
The supplier commits to provide an adequate and safe work environment in accordance with applicable health and safety laws, preventing accidents and injuries.
Reduce Environmental Impact
The supplier strives to minimize the negative environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, such as the use of natural resources, contamination or pollution of water sources and air quality, use of agrochemicals, waste streams and other emissions.
The supplier guarantees to refrain from using agrochemicals that are not legally registered and from producing or sourcing coffee in areas considered as or in conversion of legally protected natural reserves or critical habitats.
EFICO encourages to reduce non-renewable energy sources wherever possible and uses and promotes responsible use of water and energy sources, and conservation and restoration of landscapes for the functional provision of ecosystem services.
Ensure Compliance
The supplier and subcontractors make sure that they are fully aware of this Code and its meaning and will comply with the terms and standards of this Supplier Code.
The supplier will inform EFICO immediately of any issue that is inconsistent with the above principles and commits to take preventive and corrective actions to amend unacceptable practices.
EFICO reserves the right to visit and inspect the suppliers’ and its subcontractors’ premises.
*ESCC : European Standard Contract for Coffee – 2018 edition as amended